how do nerissa and portia know bassanio?

Published by on May 29, 2021

He chooses the lead casket and wins Portia‟s hand in marriage. If Portia did not give Bassanio a direct hint, we clearly see her hopeful wish that Bassanio choose the right casket. After Bassanio visits the island, Nerissa falls in love with Bassanio's friend, Gratiano. At Portia’s estate of Belmont, Portia and Nerissa talk over Portia’s frustration at being unable to choose her own husband…. She is witty, humorous and modest character. Let me give light, but let me not be light, For a light wife doth make a heavy husband, And never be Bassanio so for me: But God sort all! Both Portia and Bassanio rejoice at this outcome and agree to marry. Later it is found that the justification made by Nerissa proved correct. (v) Portia’s reply to Nerissa proves that she is deeply attached to her father. Do you think that Portia indirectly aided this suitor in his choice? How soon might an audience know that it is Portia who is talking to Nerissa? A complete database of Shakespeare's Monologues. We’ll away tonight, And be a day before our husbands home. Portia then decides to stop what she was doing immediately and go with Nerissa to Bassanio and Antonio’s aid. Bassanio would have the law abridged in this case, "To do a great right, do a little wrong" (210-211), but Portia has a plan that will subvert the law and yet leave it intact, unabridged. But it is a matter of luck that Bassanio chooses the correct casket. NERISSA What, and stake down? Nerissa understands her mistress. Q. JESSICA: I wish your ladyship all heart's content. PORTIA. Three marriages (Bassanio and Portia, Grantiano and Nerissa, Lorenzo and Jessica). Aside to Nerissa; Thou mayst, I warrant. Nerissa doesn't appear again until the scene in the courtroom where she plays as Stephano. I will do anything, Nerissa, ere I will be married to a sponge. She agrees to marry Gratiano on condition that Bassanio succeed in the task of the caskets. There's something tells me, but it is not love, I would not lose you; and you know … He visited them once and presented himself as a scholar and a soldier. (1.2.112-114 and 1.2.117-119) He turns to Portia's servant Balthazar for help with the matter. 3. 265). The brain may But before Portia can be reunited with Bassanio and Nerissa with Graziano, the guys have some explaining to do. Portia then said she would be married to Bassanio before he set out, to give him a legal right to her money; and that same day they were married, and Gratiano was also married to Nerissa; and Bassanio and Gratiano, the instant they were married, set out in great haste for Venice, where Bassanio found Antonio in prison. Nerissa: I hope so, Lady Portia; he would be a fine lord for you. BASSANIO. To win her hand in marriage, as Portia’s father so stipulated, he has to choose among a gold, silver, and lead chest, “whereof who chooses his meaning chooses you,” as Nerissa explains (1.2.26-27). [4x1=4] 16. Portia ensures that Bassanio is made aware of her alter ego; in disguise as the judge, she makes him give her the ring that she has given him. (v) Portia’s reply to Nerissa proves that she is deeply attached to her father. Portia. You are welcome home, my lord. He stated in his will that I have to marry whichever man chooses the right metal casket from a choice of three. Based on Bassanio's description of Portia at the end of 1.1, what might first identify her as Portia? Bassanio gets increasingly upset as he reads the letter. Portia a beautiful lady is the rich heiress of Belmont. 30 seconds . Is this true, Nerissa? Nerissa understands her mistress. To Portia‟s surprise and delight, Bassanio is next. Both Portia and Bassanio rejoice at this outcome and agree to marry. The Merchant of Venice Act I Quiz 2 11. I thank you, madam; give welcome to my friend: This is the man, this is Antonio, To whom I am so infinitely bound. Enter PORTIA and NERISSA PORTIA By my troth, Nerissa, my little body is aweary of this great world. Nerissa calls Bassanio “a scholar and soldier” and declares he is the only man her eyes have looked upon that is deserving of Portia. Portia's feelings were positive and she says to Nerissa that Bassanio … Bassanio asks his friend,....., for a loan. She is a merry wench. Portia and Bassanio have met before, when her father was alive. Bassanio has left for Venice to help Antonio in his difficult time. Portia 17 - 20. Unknown to Bassanio and Gratiano, Portia sent her servant, Balthazar, to seek the counsel of Portia's cousin, Bellario, a lawyer, at Padua. Stephano, a messenger arrives, saying the women are returning. You are welcome home, my lord. PORTIA'S house Enter BASSANIO, PORTIA, GRATIANO, NERISSA, and all their trains PORTIA I pray you tarry; pause a day or two Before you hazard; for, in choosing wrong, I lose your company; therefore forbear a while. Portia. The debt of the friend is massive, and Bassanio postpones his marriage. To Portia‟s surprise and delight, Bassanio is next. How does Portia feel at the beginning of the scene? PORTIA: I thank you for your wish, and am well pleas'd Portia tells Lorenzo that she has sworn to pray Nerissa at a monastery about two miles away until her husband returns. Nerissa and then Portia scold their husbands for giving away their wedding rings, an important symbol of … Both Nerissa and Portia accuse their husbands for parting with their rings. Portia is usually very self-controlled, but she reveals her anxiety concerning Bassanio a little later when he has arrived at her mansion and is about to choose one of the caskets. He chooses the lead casket and finds Portia's image inside. answer choices . Portia finally clears up the confusion by informing Bassanio that she and Nerissa were the doctor and the clerk. Portia begs Bassanio to hold off his decision for a while so they can spend time together in case he chooses incorrectly. She sends a letter to her cousin and a famous lawyer, Dr Bellario. Portia is usually very self-controlled, but she reveals her anxiety concerning Bassanio a little later when he has arrived at her mansion and is about to choose one of the caskets. What is his reasoning for that choice? How much money does Bassanio ask to borrow from Shylock? What has Bassanio come to tell Antonio? Let music sound while he doth make his choice; ... Never did I know A creature, that did bear the shape of man, Not only is Portia rich and stunningly beautiful, but she is also quite witty and intelligent. 3. Portia comes to Nerissa when she is in need, just as Bassanio comes to Antonio, but in Portia and Nerissa’s case, Portia is in need of emotional support, rather than financial. 3.2: Portia welcomes all of Bassanio's friends, but she's alarmed when she sees Bassanio's reaction to the letter Salerio has brought from Venice. Thus they are brought together. It is a good divine that follows his own instructions. Antonio is more than willing to fund Bassanio, as always, but says he has no liquid cash at the moment and tells Bassanio to help him find a moneylender who will lend him whatever sum Bassanio needs. 1790; Lorenzo. He chooses the lead casket and wins Portia‟s hand in marriage. In the present scene Portia desires Bassanio to "tarry" for fear he choose wrong; but Bassanio is impatient to know his fate, and choosing the leaden casket finds therein "fair Portia's counterfeit." Explanation : It is much easier to say wise things than to do them. Nerissa advises Portia while she has doubts about her test to find a suitor. He is overjoyed and so is Portia. Portia hardly sees Nerissa as a servant but deems her a friend. It is better, therefore, to be neither very rich nor very poor. My people do already know my mind, And will acknowledge you and Jessica In place of Lord Bassanio and myself. Gratiano feels he would get a chance to see his love Nerissa, and probably woo her if Bassanio is successful in winning Portia. In doing so, she can prove that it was she posing as the judge and that it was she who was able to save his friend’s life and, to and extent, Bassanio… Antonio doesn't know why he can't say no to Bassanio, even when he knows it will hurt him. Portia has presented a ring to Bassanio, extracting a promise from him that he will not lose it. Although Bassanio does not know about them, it is true that they love each other. PORTIA Good sentences and well pronounced. Portia, Antonio, and Bassanio split the role of protagonist three ways between them. A) He visited them once and presented himself as a scholar and a soldier. Venice, street. The brain NERISSA 100 You need not fear, lady, the having any of these lords. Portia and Bassanio prepare to marry, as do Nerissa and Gratiano. Frank and Lu find themselves puzzling through the world of enigmatology as they become podcasters investigating a mysterious twenty-year-old car accident that killed a young mother. How do we know? What guesses do Solanio and Salerio have about the cause of his depression? Lorenzo and Jessica bathe in the romantic moonlight, commenting on legendary lovers, and enjoy the music. Jessica. We are close friends and she talks to me about her personal problems. ... What bet do Gratiano and Nerissa make with Bassanio and Portia? (ii) Bassanio selects the lead casket which contains Portia’s beautiful picture and succeeds in winning the hand of Portia. But what they don’t know is that they are telling their wives, and we know they are. Portia and Bassanio are in Belmont, in a room in Portia’s house. but you see my finger Hath not the ring upon it. When this is accomplished, she is quite happy to do so. 3,000 ducats. Antonio tells Bassanio to give her the ring, which he gives to Gratiano to run after the lawyer with. As soon as Bassanio declares himself a cuckold, Portia begs him to “[s]peak not so grossly” and unveils the means by which she secured his ring (V.i. Answer: Portia sends a messenger to his cousin, a renowned lawyer, for advice and necessary articles of clothing. Bassanio and Gratiano do have divided devotion. As a wealthy merchant, Antonio has his own money to lend to Bassanio. But she’s not one of the oppressed women eit There’s something tells me (but it is not love) I would not lose you, and you know yourself Hate counsels not in such a quality. She takes Nerissa along and tells her on the way what she has in mind. Portia : God made him, and therefore let him pass for a man. How far that little candle throws his beams! PORTIA 95 Therefore, for fear of the worst, I pray thee set a deep glass of Rhenish wine on the contrary casket, for if the devil be within and that temptation without, I know he will choose it. How does Portia feel at the beginning of the scene? But Portia is not wholly fancy-free, for on Nerissa's mention of "a Venetian, a scholar and a soldier, that came hither in company of the Marquis of Montferrat," and "in your father's time," Portia remembers his name, Bassanio, and that he "was worthy of thy praise." Yes. PORTIA Is this true, Nerissa? LORENZO The moon shines bright. Bassanio sent Gratiano after Portia with the ring Portia thankfully accepted the ring and asked Gratiano to show Nerissa the way to the lew's house in order to deliver the deeds which the Jew had toʻsign, Gratiano agreed to do that. It is a good divine that follows his own instructions: I can easier teach twenty what were good to be done, than be one of the twenty to follow mine own teaching. Gratiano reveals his plan to marry Nerissa. The relationship between Nerissa and Gratiano is a good deal more traditional than that between Bassanio and Portia. How do their actions imitate Portia and Bassanio’s actions? Fair thoughts and happy hours attend on you! The Merchant of Venice - Kindle edition by Shakespeare, William. Bassanio lives well beyond his means. How do Nerissa and Portia know Bassanio? Portia's marriage to Bassanio and Nerissa's to Gratiano lack the simple affection visible between Jessica and Lorenzo. Bassanio and Gratiano have left for Venice. The garden before PORTIA'S house Enter LORENZO and JESSICA. ( 4.1.339-355). We shall have old swearing; That they did give the rings away to men; But we’ll outface them, and outswear them too.— Away, make haste. (ii) How does Lorenzo describe Portia She makes a clever plan to save Antonio. Knowing she has such a plan in mind, a plan that will go very hard on Shylock, what must we … (v) What does Portia do after Bassanio has gone ? Nerissa. Situation of: "If I could add a lie unto a fault I would deny it. In Portia’s case, the incentive to cross dress was quite convincing as she had to do something which demanded her being a man in that era. i. To introduce Bassanio, Nerissa recalls the visit of a young Venetian along with the Marquis o f Montferrat, when Portia’s father was alive. And Shylock wants vengeance. Based on Bassanio's description of Portia at the end of 1.1, what might first identify her as Portia? Portia and Nerissa mock the suitors who have already tried and failed. BASSANIO Our feast shall be much honour'd in your marriage. Thus they are brought together. NERISSA Madam, it is, so you stand pleased withal. 6. How soon might an audience know that it is Portia who is talking to Nerissa? In secret, Portia and her confidante Nerissa disguise themselves as men and head for Venice as well, so Portia can defend Antonio in court. Bassanio‟s manservant, Gratiano becomes enamored with Nerissa and the feelings are mutual, so both couples marry. PORTIA That light we see is burning in my hall. When Nerissa brings up the subject of Bassanio, she mentions that he "came hither in the company of the Marquis of Montferrat" (I.ii.114). 1 The Merchant of Venice (Cambridge, Mass., i955), p. lviii. Gratiano enters. Let me give light, but let me not be light, For a light wife doth make a heavy husband, And never be Bassanio so for me: But God sort all! With Jo Joyner, Mark Benton, Patrick Walshe McBride, Tomos Eames. Give him this deed, And let him sign it. What does Shylock mean … Portia and Nerissa arrive back at Belmont before Bassanio, Antonio, Gratiano and their followers, all of whom are unaware that it was Portia and Nerissa who defended them in Venice. GRATIANO. Portia : My people do already know my mind, And will acknowledge you and Jessica In place of Lord Bassanio and myself. Madam, it is, so you stand pleas'd withal. And when Nerissa mentions the fact that Bassanio might possibly be a suitor, Portia tries to disguise her anxiety, but she fails. When Portia and Nerissa cross-dress and appear in front of the court, Portia manages to save Antonio’s life and take away Shylock’s simultaneously. attention on Portia, Bassanio, and Antonio. He tells Portia about the money he allowed Antonio to borrow from Shylock and of Antonio's lost ships. (40) So fare you well, till we shall meet again. Portia & Nerissa on the Lot System. Portia seems to adore him too. We see Portia in a new light. Bassanio and Gratiano leave for Venice, with money from Portia, to save Antonio's life by offering the money to Shylock. Portia then tells him that the doctor came back to Belmont and slept with her. Bassanio and Portia have expressed their love and commitment to each other. Nerissa is Portia's lady-in-waiting and her voice… Bassanio, with his young friend Gratiano, sails to Belmont, where Bassanio chooses the correct casket, to Portia’s delight. Portia is thus doubly won, by the terms of her father's will and by the promptings of her own heart. Bassanio offers the judge, as a gratuity, the three thousand ducats that was to go to Shylock. They get married before Gratiano heads back to Venice. In truth, it is a sin to be a mocker; but, he! GRATIANO We'll play with them the first boy for a thousand ducats. GRATIANO Portia and Nerissa’s relationship has many similarity and differences to the of Antonio and Bassanio, firstly because one of each pairing is higher up than the other, with more money. It is gone. Portia and Nerissa arrive, back in women’s clothes (see Quote #7); Portia would have none of the servants tell Bassanio or Gratiano, who they know will arrive soon, that she and Nerissa were absent.

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