ambivalence example sentence

ambivalence example sentence on May 29, 2021

He felt an ambivalence about the nature of the inmates. . Our society has an ambivalent attitude towards the protection of architectural heritage. I think we have deluded ourselves into believing that people don't know that abortion is killing. Ambivalence: Ambivalence is the quality or state of having conflicting feelings toward something. The necklace 5 paragraph essay essay on advantages of technology sentence opening for scholarship essay Good help with essay for college application, accepted pomona essays reddit. Howie was ambivalent as usual while Quinn indicated the choice was Martha's to make. Belfrage's ambivalence toward her father runs through the book. He has an ambivalent attitude towards her. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. For example: "I shot an elephant in my pajamas" (Groucho Marx). Example sentences for "ambitious" Lexicographically close words: ambiguously ; ambishun ; ambit ; ambition ; ambitions ; ambitiously ; ambivalence ; ambivalent ; amble ; ambled It was an ambitious house and the leaded glass windows of the living room faced north. (ambivalent) uncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow; "was ambivalent about having children" Ambivalence is a state of having simultaneous, conflicting feelings toward a person or thing. She felt ambivalence about Tammas. /æm ˈ bɪvələnt/. Frank was ambivalent about his breakup with Jane. . 3) The company attribute to matters digital however has always been ambivalent. In a context of hybridity, this often produces a mixed sense of blessing and curse. Stated another way, ambivalence is the experience of having thoughts and emotions of both positive and negative valence toward someone or . Clearly, the historical turn of events from non-violence to nuclear armament, suggest a deep ambivalence about Mahatma Gandhi's legacy. 'ambi' means both in greek. The colonizer often regards the colonized as both inferior yet exotically other, while the colonized regards the colonizer as both enviable yet corrupt. Ambivalence Sentence Examples. Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary: On a train you're not trapped in your seat; you can stroll the aisles or amble to the bar car and meet an attractive stranger with whom to initiate what is certain to be a disastrous relationship.. How many words do you know? 'his ambivalence towards Hollywood is on full display in his latest feature'. Example: My ambivalence toward my sister-in-law meant that I was friendly to her on some days but cold to her on others. Vice President Daniel Runde: There was also an assumption that . We tried to list the best first. : Government ambivalence on this issue has tied the hands of federal institutions that deal with the communities. Examples. The real secret behind animal ambivalence is knowing what motivates them. The most voted sentence example for ambivalent is Howie was ambivalent as usual . Example: Henry was infamous among his friends for his ambivalence on where to eat, so they did not ask him to break the stalemate in choosing a restaurant. Ambivalent in a sentence | ambivalent example sentences. When it comes to the election, I am ambivalent about the candidates. in a sentence. 22. He has an ambivalent attitude towards drinking. : We noted great ambivalence in the procedures across different work groups, and indeed different regions. Although Janice loved Henry, her ambivalence towards marriage made her turn down his proposal. Allen, a Bruins draft pick, summed up the ambivalence. Example sentences for "ambivalence" . mass noun. 67+1 sentence examples: 1. Hi, I'm working on a confidential file but I didn't understand what "ambivalent" in this sentence: Crystal is a very ambivalent and versatile material, able to enter multiple metamorphosis: from delicate to rock, from glamorous to edgy, from vintage to futuristic. Information and translations of ambivalence in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. ambivalent Sentence Examples. The document expressed some ambivalence over the doctrine of predestination. We have a label for it — ambivalence. Learner's definition of AMBIVALENT. English words and Examples of Usage use "ambivalence" in a sentence Ambivalence refers to the state of experiencing conflicting beliefs or feelings simultaneously. Hi, 'Ambivalence' is when you have two opposing emotions or attitudes about the same thing. 'the law's ambivalence about the importance of a victim's identity'. 1. Example sentences for: amble How can you use "amble" in a sentence? The bond between a man and his profession is similar to that which ties him to his country; it is just as complex, often ambivalent, and in general it is understood completely only when it is broken: by exile or emigration in the case of one's country, by retirement in the case of a trade or profession. How to use ambivalent in a sentence. 79+7 sentence examples: 1. Howie was ambivalent as usual while Quinn indicated the choice was Martha's to make. ambivalence meaning: 1. the state of having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you…. These words are important for various exams like CAT, XAT, SNAP, CMAT, GMAT, IBPS PO, SBI PO, SSC etc. . The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Ambivalence but also gives extensive definition in English language. ambivalent in a sentence. The definition of Ambivalence is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. When it comes to Clinton, there is an ambivalence here. Ambivalence in a sentence | ambivalence example sentences. When it comes to Clinton, there is an ambivalence here. Primo Levi. Examples of ambivalence in a Sentence. adjective. Why do you think it is there? The moral ambivalence of the rogue narrative encouraged divergent political readings. We are both somewhat ambivalent about having a child. This site lists example sentences for a variety of words. Despite this ambivalence, computers are used in the offices of travel agencies, manufacturing plants, department stores, and government agencies. 2. example sentences. Syntactic ambiguity presents two or more possible meanings within a sentence or phrase. 6. I have long been of two minds about the word ambivalent. Emotional ambivalence is a particularly complex emotion characterized by tension and conflict that is felt when someone experiences both positive and negative emotions simultaneously. Josie was anxious to have a baby but her husband Fred was ambivalent about having children. . We tried to list the best first. Without sentences, language doesn't really work. So, you use it whenever you want to describe a feeling or position of being pulled in two different and opposite directions. There are no such ambivalence on the legal plain, however. How […] Share. Example Sentence-His ambivalent speech was beyond people's understanding. Feelings of disgust can turn to ambivalence, and even pity. ambivalence. Because he was nervous about performing in front of a crowd, Jed was ambivalent about entering the singing competition . How to use "regress" in a sentence. David Carroll Even if we only briefly consider multiple meanings of ambiguous words, it is somewhat puzzling that we do it at all. I am ambivalent as to whether or not I want to take the medicine because of the drug's known side effects. This is also known as structural ambiguity. Dictionary Thesaurus Sentences . Ambivalent Sentence Examples. In ambiguous on the other hand, it means unclear or able to be understood in multiple ways. 'Ambiguous', on the other hand, means "unclear or capable of being understood in two or more different ways." What is an example of ambiguous? ambivalence. Ambiguous vs. Ambivalent The movies in question show a deep ambivalence on this score. Display options for sense: (gloss) "an example sentence" Noun. Subsequently, you can learn from the example of irony in sentence. 18 editor-approved samples. She seem But it does not show that you understand the word. 32. Her relationship with her mother is somewhat ambivalent. express ambivalence example sentences 4) Other participants, more sympathetic to Malcolm X and the . The policy toward people with a learning disability has been marked by deep ambivalence. S: (n) ambivalence, ambivalency (mixed feelings or emotions) . Sossi, of the Odyssey, spoke with ambivalence about Davidson. She viewed her daughter's education with ambivalence. Ambiguity (pronounced "am-bə-gyü-ə-tē") is a word, phrase, sentence or even storyline that expresses an idea or situation that has more than one meaning. Ambivalence definition: the simultaneous existence of two opposed and conflicting attitudes , emotions , etc | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples After all, in most contexts only one of a word's meanings is relevant. The meaning of ambivalent is having or showing very different feelings (such as love and hate) about someone or something at the same time. 20 sample sentences for AMBIVALENT. ambivalent. High quality example sentences with "the results are ambivalent" in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English (III) In the history of fashion, no other garment has served as an example of status ambivalence and ambiguity than blue jeans. She felt ambivalence about Tammas. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Ambivalence. ambivalence collocations 2) A few also expressed a certain ambivalence toward relatives' strong opinions. Relationships can be deeply affected by ambivalence. Wondering how to use a particular word in a sentence? Many people feel some ambivalence towar Find 30 ways to say AMBIVALENT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. How to use ambivalent in a sentence. Since his cold had muted his sense of taste, Bob was ambivalent about what he ate for dinner. Learn Ludwig. 4. Examples of relationship ambivalence include: wanting to leave, but not wanting to let go of the parts of your relationship or . There was ambivalence in the minds of Scottish policy makers toward community empowerment. : Of those who did, attitudes were split between satisfaction . 18. 20 examples of simple sentences "regress" . ambivalent example sentences Ambivalent meaning in Hindi,English and Bengali. Ambivalence definition, uncertainty or fluctuation, especially when caused by inability to make a choice or by a simultaneous desire to say or do two opposite or conflicting things. 28. Then click on your word and you'll see the sentences. Ambivalent Quotes. Learn more. German. Share. But in Britain and the US many people feel ambivalent or antagonistic towards the mainstream popular resistance. Her emotions were ambivalent. Examples of Ambivalence in a sentence. With Gore, I think there is a lot of ambivalence. "Ambivalent" is an adjective, and it means possessing two opposite feelings about something simultaneously, causing you to feel uncertain about your final position. 20 sample sentences for AMBIVALENT. My father's attitude towards the cell phone is not ambivalent. Yes, of course it's possible! Ambivalent Sentence Examples. How to use ambivalence in a sentence. Yes, of course it's possible! Ambivalence Sentence Examples He felt an ambivalence about the nature of the inmates. . The state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone. . It is a deeply ambivalent appeal. More example sentences. More example sentences 'his ambivalence toward Hollywood is on full display in his latest feature' 'In the past, I might have struggled to join in, concealing my ambivalence with uncertain assertions.' You are offline. When you first started learning English, you may have memorized words such as: English meaning of the word "ambivalent"; But now that you have a better understanding of the language, there's a better way for you to learn meaning of "ambivalent" through sentence examples. It doesn't just mean that you feel vaguely unsure about something, or that you can't decide if you want Pepsi or Coke. [more ambivalent; most ambivalent] : having or showing very different feelings (such as love and hate) about someone or something at the same time. Soraya was ambivalent at best. Discussion Thread: "Evoking" in Motivational Interviewing Instructions On Marci, discuss with your classmates: Give an example of Marci's "change talk." Give an example of Marci's "sustain talk." Where is her ambivalence coming from? noun. 23. Learn Daily Important vocabulary from the vocabulary list. A sentence like 'I feel ambivalence' is correct. A famous example for lexical ambiguity is the following sentence: " Wenn hinter Fliegen Fliegen fliegen, fliegen Fliegen Fliegen nach. To me, this is an example of our somewhat ambivalent attitudes towards medical care in general. She remained ambivalent about her marriage. For example, an overwhelming majority reject polygamy, yet there remains ambivalence with regards to democracy. 2. In this video you will come to know about all the above mentioned top. NEXT WORD. Learn more. Sentence examples for ambivalent views from inspiring English sources . Write one sentence for each letter of OARS that you could use with her. 3. The same ambivalent usage marks anarchist versions of the truth, or those of radical feminists. What does ambivalence mean? Jim Parsons Hold on. The definition of Ambivalent is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. I said, wanting to maintain my ambivalence over the situation. So any pretense that abortion is not killing is a signal of our ambivalence, a signal that we cannot say 'yes, it kills a fetus, but it is the women's body, and therefore ultimately her choice.'. He had become ambivalent about his capture. mixed feelings or emotions. [=he both liked and disliked his job] He has an ambivalent relationship with his . Example #1: Recently, I twitted a post on Twitter about how absorbing and time-consuming Twitter can be. Since his cold had muted his sense of taste, Bob was ambivalent about what he ate for dinner. Bleuler has used the term ambivalent, thus comparing these individuals to a chemical element having two bonds and impelled to unite with two substances. Sentences are everywhere. Others were pulled from our literature database. Definition of Ambivalence. Ambivalence. If ambivalent, perhaps not sure is best. Frank was ambivalent about his breakup with Jane. 10 examples of sentences "regress". 29. Filter. Synonym of ambivalent Use in sentence. Answer (1 of 6): Ambivalent having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone. ambivalence definition: 1. the state of having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you…. When dealing with syntactic ambiguity, it's helpful to use your context clues to uncover the true meaning of the sentence or phrase. Download our 5 ready-to-use ambiguity worksheets that are perfect to test student knowledge and understanding of what ambiguity is and how it can be used. Ambivalence Quotes. 3. express ambivalence in a sentence 1) Rowling has occasionally expressed ambivalence about her religious faith. Examples of Ambivalent in a sentence. ambivalent collocations 2) The remainder were either neutral or ambivalent. My point was this. 4. She felt a certain ambivalence towards him. Example #2: Brian mocked the man who failed an interview; the following day, he came out from an IT company with his face surly. (adjective) An example . In psychology, ambivalence is defined as the mental disharmony or disconnect a person may feel when having both positive. High quality example sentences with "ambivalent views" in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. I said, wanting to maintain my ambivalence over the situation. I stood there, ambivalent. when confused, you have a VALE of AMBIguity on your mind. The Constitution was part of that ambivalent hypocrisy. How to use "ambivalent" in a sentence? In ambivalent it refers to having mixed, contradictory, or more than one feeling about something. If you are confused about using 'which' or 'that' in a sentence, you need to understand the differences between the restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses.. For example: 'I ate the chicken that was spoiled' In this example, the word 'that' has introduced a restrictive relative clause. Definition of ambivalence in the dictionary. in a sentence. . The ambiguous way in which colonizer and colonized regard one another. See more. The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Ambivalent but also gives extensive definition in English language. The word 'ambivalence' is a noun, a word for the state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone; a word for a thing.A noun functions as the subject of a sentence . 1. Ambiguity, or fallacy of ambiguity, is a word, phrase, or . 'Bimonthly' is an ambiguous term. Click on the first letter of the word you'd like to see used in a sentence. The real secret behind animal ambivalence is knowing what motivates them. ", meaning "When flies fly behind flies, then flies fly in pursuit of flies." It takes advantage of some German nouns and corresponding verbs being homonymous. Howie was ambivalent as usual while Quinn indicated the choice was Martha's to make. The meaning of ambivalence is simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (such as attraction and repulsion) toward an object, person, or action. Dictionary Thesaurus Sentences Examples . But this example would lead us to assume that the psychic impulses of primitive man possessed a higher degree of ambivalence than is found at present among civilized human beings.

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