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Published by on November 13, 2020
eternal, having never been created. One I found on the Internet was the Kalaam Ontological Argument (try the Yahoo search engine). universe is eternal, and, therefore, God doesn't need to exist at all. Thanks.”. A point corresponding to this is the fact that Jesus is also eternal, since he is God, the Son, also called the Word: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God” (John 1:1). He is the intelligent designer that gave order to our cosmos. the problem with this idea is how did the first god get Here is what the God of the Bible says about that through the pen of the apostle Paul: “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20). invention of a kind of super universe, which can never be confirmed 3. Beginning, Extreme Fine Tuning - Dark Energy or been hidden and that God destined for our glory, The hope of eternal life, which God... promised. Proof 1: Origin of the Universe, Does God Exist? Why is There Something Instead Anselm was one of the better ones to me. Now, as I said, some of that may generate more questions. He most recently pastored two congregations of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, before his retirement in 2020. Philosophers call this fideism (from the Latin word for faith; we get “fidelity” from that word). Did one of them have no beginning? Well, finally a night came when Dad was going to start answering some of those questions, and his first one was mine: “Who made God?”. You love that tree. Yet it is now taken for granted” (, emphasis added throughout). And that the “righteous man shall live by faith” (Rom. Tell the child how God created the earth and that humans were tempted by the devil to do disobey God. Not to be dismayed by the facts, atheists have invented In the judgment of God, we are “without excuse” if we come to any other conclusion. Not Eternal, But Had A Beginning). According to the Bible, the only correct and wise conclusion is to believe that Someone who is uncreated, who is eternal and superior to what we can see, created all that we can see. In a very real sense, then, we have the power to choose whether we arrive at the correct answer—the wise answer. Richard Dawkins, among other atheists, thinks he has the ultimate proof Although it is possible that the universe itself I was anxious for an answer! of a much larger "multiverse" that randomly spews out universes with I expect I did so about ten times (or more?)! Some have taken the approach that we can believe in God from pure reason. You are impressed by its size and beauty. He is the source of morality. 1:16-17). different physical parameters.2 Since there is no evidence supporting this Below is basically the answer I sent to him; I have reworked it a bit and added a few notes to publish it here. That is because they believe that all things in the physical realm—including oak trees and acorns—had a beginning. Unfortunately, in this age of materialism and skepticism, this may be so. There are two Nature and the Scriptures are that revelation of God. has a beginning - at the moment of creation (i.e., the Big Bang).3 of time. The example we have considered is that oak trees are caused by acorns, which are caused by oak trees. Without the dimension of time, there is no Tom Kirkpatrick holds a PhD in accounting from the University of North Texas, and is a retired CPA. Life from non-life (rocks, chemicals), or life from other life? Does science address such issues? Who created God?”. Those who believe this would probably say that matter, in the form of humans, created God in their minds. just some wacky modern Christian interpretation of the Bible. You asked for help for you, so you could help her. a non-eternal universe implied that it must have been caused. This verse tells us that God was acting before time when He created the Print subscriptions available in U.S., Canada and Europe, Article URL: be ruled out if we use Occam's razor, which states that one should use the arrow and are confined to cause and effect. You look at the back yard of your home—the same home you have lived in all your life. The idea that God can be eternal leads us to the idea that maybe the here? Who created God, if he created the world and all on it? The second interpretation is that God exists in more than one dimension Every time they asked, I rewrote the question and put it into the box. It seems to me that much of what we understand and know about God is from faith, not an unreasonable faith, but still faith none-the-less. was created along with the universe from Moses: "And from what source did Plato draw the information that verse of the very first book, Genesis: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1 was correct! Second, I can’t understand, with my limitations of mind, an eternal Being. He reveals, in the Bible, much about Himself, and His plan and purpose for having created the whole universe and—especially—mankind, including you and me! It becomes apparent from these biblical passages that we humans, even with the limitations of our physical senses and our mortality, have the ability—indeed the responsibility, before the Creator God of the Bible—to arrive at the correct answer to the question of who created God. father god, then grew up on a planet as a man, and progressed to become a god Many other verses from the New Testament tell us that God was Of course, keep reading your Bible and don’t be caught in the snares of men’s philosophy rather than living by the teachings of Christ (see Col. 2:8). is eternal, eliminating the need for its creation, observational that God doesn't exist. And, since this "god" is I knew I couldn’t wait that long to answer you, but did want to get into the Anselm book first. All rights reserved. “Does that apply even to God? So, I have been reading the book and all the while, knowing that what I was reading dealt with the answer to your question and mine from long ago. majesty, dominion and authority. Intelligent life from non-intelligent life or intelligent life from intelligence? Taking His hand, helping each other home. He is the first to all created things. How Should a Christian Deal With the Coronavirus Pandemic? I had my question: “Who made God?” For several weeks they announced that there was a question box and that those with a question should submit it. .” (Gen. 1:1). Last year I restudied them and included Aquinas, C.S. Where did God come from?" Let me begin with a personal story. Not Eternal, But Had A Beginning. data of the 20th century strongly refuted the idea that the We are not eternal, so it is very hard for us to grasp the idea of what it is to be eternal. no need of being caused, but would have always existed. Bring God into everyday life. It is a great question. I find it hard to believe that God has always existed. God is good.” (“And we thank Him for our food.”) To be the greatest and the most good meant he had to have no one before him in anything: time, power, mind, creation. dimensions of our universe: The idea that God created time, along with the physical universe, is not Moses was to tell them that “I AM” has sent him (see Exod. My daughter has asked me a question to which I have no answer. Nothing first moved God. It has a great answer, but as you indicate, one which is difficult to express. 11:6). Perhaps, many years ago, you even saw a squirrel bury an acorn right in that spot, and shortly after that, the tree began to grow. “We walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor. I really wanted to read both — and possibly another by Aquinas who made four arguments for the existence of God. You know, just last year I obtained all Dad’s sermons. having been created. I remember at one church (Brown Street in Akron, Ohio), when I was pretty young, that it was decided that for a time, they’d put a question box in the foyer of the church building for religious or Bible questions. Such assertions support the Bible's Another, which I had in a pile to read was Anselm of Canterbury: The major works. How does God acting before time began get around the problem of God's creation? Scientists, even those who do not believe in the divine inspiration of the Bible, even those who have no religious belief at all, would confidently answer that there have not always been acorns and oak trees.
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