persistent in a sentence

Published by on November 13, 2020

to eliminate parasites or other persistent infections, one solution is to expand T effector cells. , We keep rescheduling our picnic because of the persistent rainstorms. But the unfortunate prince had to choose between dependence and extermination, for his unaided resources were powerless against the persistent attacks of the unconquerable The Prussians. With declining prices for farm produce came that year of unhappy memory, 1879, when persistent rains and an almost sunless summer ruined the crops and reduced many farmers to a state of destitution. The outbreaks fall into two well-defined groups: (a) those in which the disease is destructive and persistent, (2) those in which its effects are slight and transient. Obsession-A persistent image, idea, or desire that dominates a person's thoughts or feelings. Persistent rumors of break-ups dogged the pretty pair until their secret wedding on October 5, 2004. The investigation of the figure of equilibrium of a rotating fluid mass engaged the persistent attention of Laplace. /persistent: {yes | no} Controls the use of, When MATLAB first encounters a particular, Use-persisted-state. And other factors do not appear to favor persistent mild westerlies. Nevertheless, I believe William is guilty less of downright dishonesty than of a persistent lack of understanding. incessant prayer, persistent prayer marked the early church. Sorry about my lack of bloggage. The patient may experience periodic elevations of liver enzymes and persistent viremia for several years. Mild persistent: Daily long-term medication may be prescribed. Persistent dog skin problems can drive both canines and their owners up the wall. However, if you are persistent you can find what you are looking for. "Are Signs and Symptoms Associated with Persistent Corneal Abrasions in Children?". Rose Selection Rugosa) - It is a long and persistent bloomer, and reaches the zenith of its beauty when the secondary flowers come with the glowing orange and red fruits that have succeeded the first flowers. Persistent or recurrent nausea and vomiting should be checked by a doctor. Bromacetone: a powerful lachrymator used by the allies and Austria, moderately persistent, introduced in 1916. joint lavage may help settle the inflammation but is usually reserved for persistent or severe attacks. Vasco da Gama tried to establish a factory, but he met with persistent hostility from the local chief (zamorin), and a similar attempt made by Cabral two years later ended in the destruction of the factory by the Moplahs. Bearing that in mind I should touch on the persistent and often torrential downpour that we hardy souls had to endure. Persistent rhinitis Persistent rhinitis means that rhinitis symptoms continue long-term. Persistent definition is - existing for a long or longer than usual time or continuously: such as. He supposes that the law of evolution is deducible from the law of persistent force, and includes in force what is now called energy. Chronic pain refers to pain that persists after an injury heals, cancer pain, pain related to a persistent or degenerative disease, and long-term pain from an unidentifiable cause. Hypersomnia is a sleep disorder that causes the affected person to experience persistent episodes of sleepiness during the day. While normal fears tend to be experienced in phases and tend to be outgrown by adulthood, abnormal fears are those that are persistent and recurrent or fears that interfere with daily activities for at least a month. The organization offers insight into the statistics and the problems associated with persistent nightly snores. - The interface… One view of the origin of the latter (largely based upon observations upon the development of Polygordius) sees in the blood system a persistent blastocoel. My persistence in demanding my rights finally paid off. Europe's persistent reluctance puts the Turks in a quandary. A family doctor should be called whenever a cat scratch or bite fails to heal normally or is followed by a persistent fever or other unusual symptoms such as long-lasting bone or joint pain. But he had no real power, and his political importance lay in his persistent opposition to Beaufort and the councillors of his party. She spent the next half hour in the dim lighting of the car fixing her makeup with Pierre's persistent pointers. Scroll below the black preview screen and select "Use Stream Key" and then check the box next to "Use a, Non-Persistent; Persistent; Before starting with, I was suspicious because I typically use the, 183+9 sentence examples: 1. 4, Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very, 6, Three children were removed from the school for, 16, Symptoms include a sore throat and dry,[, 23, After a cold, many patients complain of, 28, He is regarded at the BBC as a tenacious and, 29, I fail to live up to the people who love me, still, 30, Symptoms of the illness include a high temperature and a, 5, Three children were removed from the school for, 8, He is regarded at the BBC as a tenacious and. persistent cough with sputum for more than three weeks, you should contact your doctor.

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