indigo carmine contraindications
Published by on November 13, 2020
The half-life of indocyanine green was lower in patients taking the drugs concomitantly compared to patients with normal and abnormal liver function taking no concomitant medications. It is not intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment. Nifedipine: (Moderate) In a study of 9 healthy adults given 0.5 mg/kg of indocyanine green, nifedipine increased indocyanine green clearance by 14%. The bacteria can infect the skin in two main ways: Copyright © 2020 Our Indigo Carmine (indigotindisulfonate sodium) Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication. The dye is stable in whole blood and plasma, so samples obtained during testing may be read hours later. Specific dosing recommendations in patients with hepatic impairment are not available; it appears no dosage adjustment is needed. (L) Ulcerated carcinoid tumour of the rectum. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here. IC-Green® is taken up from the plasma almost exclusively by the hepatic parenchymal cells and is secreted entirely into the bile. (C) Crohn's disease, erosive ulceration of the ileocecal valve. Warnings. Figure 28. Indigo carmine is an organic sodium salt resulting from the formal condensation of indigo carmine (acid form) with two equivalents of sodium hydroxide. (K) Carcinoid tumour of the rectum. ReconstitutionUnder sterile conditions, dissolve the indocyanine green powder with Sterile Water for Injection. Up to 40 mg IV via the antecubital vein depending on the imaging equipment and technique used. anaphylactic shock / Rapid / Incidence not knownanaphylactoid reactions / Rapid / Incidence not knownrespiratory arrest / Rapid / Incidence not knowncyanosis / Early / Incidence not knowncardiac arrest / Early / Incidence not knownlaryngospasm / Rapid / Incidence not knownbronchospasm / Rapid / Incidence not knownvisual impairment / Early / Incidence not known, edema / Delayed / Incidence not knownhypotension / Rapid / Incidence not knownperipheral vasodilation / Rapid / Incidence not knownerythema / Early / Incidence not knownwheezing / Rapid / Incidence not knownsinus tachycardia / Rapid / Incidence not knownpalpitations / Early / Incidence not knownconfusion / Early / Incidence not knowndyspnea / Early / Incidence not known, flushing / Rapid / Incidence not knownsyncope / Early / Incidence not knownweakness / Early / Incidence not knownagitation / Early / Incidence not knownheadache / Early / Incidence not knownpharyngitis / Delayed / Incidence not knownnausea / Early / Incidence not knownpruritus / Rapid / Incidence not knownanxiety / Delayed / Incidence not knownvomiting / Early / Incidence not knownurticaria / Rapid / Incidence not knowndiaphoresis / Early / Incidence not knowncough / Delayed / Incidence not knownskin discoloration / Delayed / Incidence not known. An average of 5 dilution curves is recommended for diagnostic cardiac catheterization. After biliary obstruction, the dye appears in the hepatic lymph, independently of the bile, suggesting that the biliary mucosa is sufficiently intact to prevent diffusion of the dye, though allowing diffusion of bilirubin. An average of 5 dilution curves is recommended for diagnostic cardiac catheterization. (D) Borderline serrated adenoma with normal surrounding mucosa. While sterile water for injection may be used to rinse the syringe, isotonic saline should be used to flush the residual dye from the cardiac catheter into the circulation so as to avoid hemolysis. Using the ear densitometer, a dosage of 0.5 mg/kg in normal subjects gives the following clearance pattern. Indigo Carmine is excreted largely by the kidneys, retaining its blue color during passage through the body. The mechanism of interaction is unclear; those proposed in the medical literature include increased indocyanine green uptake by the liver cell, enhanced binding by specific hepatic carrier proteins, or more rapid excretion into bile. There are no adequate, well-controlled studies with indocyanine green during pregnancy. [48809] [48816], Indocyanine green is administered parenterally as intravenous or interstitial cervical injections. Once hemostasis is established, the bladder neck is reconstructed with the intent to establish continuity between the reconstructed bladder neck and the membranous urethra. The percent retention can be read from this plot. (A) Fungating adenocarcinoma. Within the ‘Prescription Medications’ section: Use Trial Bulletin to search for clinical trials involving this product: All resources are included in as near-original form as possible, meaning that the information from the original provider has been rendered here with only typographical or stylistic modifications and not with any substantive alterations of content, meaning or intent. 2 mg/kg IV; 5 mg interstitially into the cervix. WARNINGS An occasional idiosyncratic drug reaction may occur. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Due to its absorption spectrum, changing concentrations of IC-Green® (indocyanine green for injection) in the blood can be monitored by ear densitometry or by obtaining blood specimens at timed intervals. 33.3. The intravenous method is preferred because a 5 mL injection is sufficient. No extrahepatic or enterohepatic circulation occurs, and there is negligible renal, peripheral, lung, or cerebrospinal uptake. YAG laser irradiation of intraductal papillomas was first reported in 1996 to treat intraductal papillomas that were not successfully removed through intraductal biopsy. 33.4. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. STORAGE: Store at 20° to 25°C (68° to 77°F). Intravenous indigo-carmine administered by the anesthesiologist helps to identify the ureteral orifices on either side. These sutures serve to align the anastomosis and take off any potential tension. Available for Android and iOS devices. This concentration is, of course, successively halved in the succeeding aliquots of the subject's blood. Indigo carmine has been associated with atrioventricular block [28] and polymorphous supraventricular bigeminy [29]. The peak absorption and emission of IC-Green® lie in a region (800 to 850 nm) where transmission of energy by the pigment epithelium is more efficient than in the region of visible light energy. Cerebral vasoconstriction has also been attributed to indigo carmine [21,22]. The normal percentage disappearance rate in healthy subjects is 18% to 24% per minute.For visualization of vessels, blood flow, and tissue perfusion, administer via a central or peripheral venous line using a 3-way stopcock attached to an injection port on the infusion line. Impetigo occurs when the skin becomes infected with bacteria, usually either Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes. (B) Prolapsed diverticulum of the colon resembling a pseudopolyp. 1.25 to 5 mg IV for a single image sequence or 3.75 to 10 mg IV for visualization of perfusion in extremities through the skin. (M) Peutz–Jeghers syndrome. The half-life of indocyanine green was lower in patients taking the drugs concomitantly compared to patients with normal and abnormal liver function taking no concomitant medications. Novation and NOVAPLUS are registered trademarks of Novation LLC. If the orifices are close, 5F feeding tubes can be placed temporarily as guides during reconstruction. US-based MDs, DOs, NPs and PAs in full-time patient practice can register for free on Figure 27. It is an indicator at pH 11.5-14, changing from blue to yellow. 1). You should confirm the information on the site through independent sources and seek other professional guidance in all treatment and diagnosis decisions. For further information about unapproved drugs, click here. Data from a single small study suggest there is no placental transfer of indocyanine green. [48809] [49707]. A follow-up study from the second group19 compared single-duct with multiple-duct excision in women presenting with single-duct nipple discharge. IC-Green® also has the property of being nearly 98% bound to blood protein, and therefore, excessive dye extravasation does not take place in the highly fenestrated choroidal vasculature. (G) Resection of the final fragment. The half-life of indocyanine green was lower in patients taking the drugs concomitantly compared to patients with normal and abnormal liver function taking no concomitant medications. An occasional idiosyncratic drug reaction may occur. (F) Pedunculated polyp. (If the photometric method is used, prior to injecting IC-Green, , withdraw 6 mL of venous blood from the patient's arm for serum blank and standard curve construction, and through the same needle, inject the correct amount of dye.).
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