highest suicidal job rates in the world
Published by on November 13, 2020
The physicians, surgeons, orthopedist or other countless fields of doctors need to dedicate their whole life serving the patients. Some jobs are much worse than others and some are so bad you want to kill yourself. Highest Suicide Rates by Profession: 1. But, many are unable to handle the demands and stress of their job. Doctors: The profession of doctors demands tireless long haul working hours and 24/7 dedicated service. Their suicide rate was 90.5 suicides per 100,000, according to the report. Jobs suck, but for most of us we must have one to pay the bills. 15 Professions With The Highest Suicide Rates . Here are the 10 professions with the highest suicide rates: See also: Top 10 Most Boring Jobs in the World At the turn of the century, The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) database on cause of death by occupation study found some interesting stats on the jobs with the highest suicide rates and ranked them. In extreme cases, they might even end up committing suicide unless they receive professional help or call the suicide prevention hotline.
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