hexane vapor pressure
Published by on November 13, 2020
[26], Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their, Last edited on 15 November 2020, at 20:14, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, "A study found hexane in soy protein. Should you stop eating veggie burgers? 1907/2006 (REACH) im Rahmen der Stoffbewertung in den fortlaufenden Aktionsplan der Gemeinschaft (CoRAP) aufgenommen. Hierbei werden die Auswirkungen des Stoffs auf die menschliche Gesundheit bzw. Highly flammable. Material Properties - Material properties for gases, fluids and solids - densities, specific heats, viscosities and more ; Related Documents . Hexane [ACD/Index Name] [ACD/IUPAC Name] ... = 3.90 Exper. [19] Es resultiert damit eine Zuordnung in die Explosionsgruppe IIA. Nonan | [22] Analysis of Taiwanese workers has shown occupational exposure to substances including n-hexane. [23][24], Methan | Related Topics . die Umwelt neu bewertet und ggf. : TWA 500 ppm (1800 mg/m 3 ). [18] The current n-hexane PEL in the US is 500 ppm (1,800 mg/m3 (0.79 gr/cu ft)). Hexan wird im Körper zu 2,5-Hexandion metabolisiert,[22] dieses führt zu Nervenschäden und wird über den Urin ausgeschieden. [2] Da es Polystyrol im Gegensatz zu vielen organischen Lösemitteln nicht angreift und leicht flüchtig ist, dient es als Lösungsmittel für Styroporkleber. Octan | Organic Compound; Solvent; Gasoline Additive/Component; Pollutant; Food Toxin; Plant Toxin; Metabolite; Household Toxin; Industrial/Workplace Toxin; Natural Compound; Adhesive, DANGER: FLAMMABLE, causes CNS effects, irritates skin & eyes, FLAMMABLE / HARMFUL TO THE ENVIRONMENT / HARMFUL / IRRITANT, P210-P260-P301+P310-P303+P361+P353-P405-P501a. Hierbei werden die Auswirkungen des Stoffs auf die menschliche Gesundheit bzw. At 20°C, the vapor pressure of Hexane is 132 mm Hg. 1907/2006 (REACH) im Rahmen der Stoffbewertung in den fortlaufenden Aktionsplan der Gemeinschaft aufgenommen. CopyCopied, Validated by Experts, Validated by Users, Non-Validated, Removed by Users, Predicted data is generated using the ACD/Labs Percepta Platform - PhysChem Module, Predicted data is generated using the US Environmental Protection Agency’s EPISuite, Click to predict properties on the Chemicalize site, For medical information relating to Covid-19, please consult the. Es wird weiterhin zur Herstellung von Kunststoffen und synthetischem Kautschuk sowie zur Öl- und Fettextraktion eingesetzt. This may result in a solid compound being obtained as an oil and the alkanes may interfere with analysis. Like gasoline, hexane is highly volatile and is an explosion risk. All alkanes are colorless. [19] Der Stoff fällt somit in die Temperaturklasse T3. Hexan weist Suchtpotential auf und ist gesundheitsschädlich. Hexan wird in der organischen Chemie als Lösungsmittel und Reaktionsmedium bei Polymerisationen, als Verdünnungsmittel für schnelltrocknende Lacke, Druckfarben und Klebstoffe und als Elutions- und Lösungsmittel in der Dünnschichtchromatographie verwendet. It is widely used as a cheap, relatively safe, largely unreactive, and easily evaporated non-polar solvent. [24][25], Hexane was identified as being the cause of the Louisville sewer explosions on 13 February 1981, that destroyed more than 13 miles (21 km) of sewer lines and streets in the center of Louisville in Kentucky, United States, n-Hexane is biotransformed to 2-hexanol and further to 2,5-hexanediol in the body. [7][8], A typical laboratory use of hexanes is to extract oil and grease contaminants from water and soil for analysis. Dodecan | Colorless liquid with a gasoline-like odor. They are commonly used in food based soybean oil extraction in the United States, and are potentially present as contaminants in all soy food products in which the technique is used; the lack of regulation by the FDA of this contaminant is a matter of some controversy. Hexane is widely used as a constituent in gasoline and commercial gas. Thermodynamic Properties of n-Hexane (Temperature Basis) - Saturation Region: Temperature: Saturation pressure, bar: Density of liquid, kg/m 3: Specific volume of vapour, m 3 /kg: Enthalpy, kJ/kg Oktober 2020 um 07:34 Uhr bearbeitet. Die Neubewertung fand ab 2012 statt und wurde von Deutschland durchgeführt. It is a colorless liquid, odorless when pure, and with boiling points approximately 69 °C (156 °F). Inhalation of n-hexane at 5000 ppm for 10 minutes produces marked vertigo; 2500-1000 ppm for 12 hours produces drowsiness, fatigue, loss of appetite, and paresthesia in the distal extremities; 2500–5000 ppm produces muscle weakness, cold pulsation in the extremities, blurred vision, headache and anorexia. Ursächlich für die Aufnahme von Hexan waren die Besorgnisse bezüglich der Einstufung als CMR-Substanz, hoher (aggregierter) Tonnage, anderer gefahrenbezogener Bedenken und weit verbreiteter Verwendung. Commercial samples of n-hexane however often contains methylcyclopentane, which features tertiary C-H bonds, which are incompatible with some radical reactions. The term hexanes refers to a mixture, composed largely (>60%) of hexane, with varying amounts of the isomeric compounds 2-methylpentane and 3-methylpentane, and, possibly, smaller amounts of nonisomeric C5, C6, and C7 (cyclo)alkanes. Acta, 41(7), 1958, 1915-1932. https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/searchId.do?chebiId=CHEBI:29021, ACD/Labs Percepta Platform - PhysChem Module, US Environmental Protection Agency’s EPISuite, Compounds with the same molecular formula, Search Google for structures with same skeleton, 155-157 F / 760 mmHg (68.3333-69.4444 °C / 760 mmHg). Pentan | n-Heptane is a possible alternative. Heptan | An unbranched alkane containing six carbon atoms. Propan | [23] In 2010–2011, Chinese workers manufacturing iPhones were reported to have suffered hexane poisoning. Higher alkanes present as impurities in hexanes have similar retention times as the solvent, meaning that fractions containing hexane will also contain these impurities. Incompatible with oxidizing agents, chlorine, fluorine,magnesium perchlorate. Hexan | 2,5-Hexanediol may be further oxidized to 2,5-hexanedione, which is neurotoxic and produces a polyneuropathy. In industry, hexanes are used in the formulation of glues for shoes, leather products, and roofing. Remove sources of ignition from the working area. Boiling Point & Vapor Pressure Calculator. The melting points are quite different and the trend is not apparent.[12]. Uses of Hexane. Butan | [17], Hexane and other volatile hydrocarbons (petroleum ether) present an aspiration risk. Hexan wurde 2012 von der EU gemäß der Verordnung (EG) Nr. The most often used is the Antoine equation (4.232 kPa), but the Buck formula (4.245 kPa) is usually the most accurate one for temperature ranges we typically look for. [21], Die Sauerstoffgrenzkonzentration liegt bei 20 °C bei 9,1 Vol.‑%, bei 100 °C bei 8,3 Vol.‑%. [10][11] The boiling points of the various hexanes are somewhat similar and, as for other alkanes, are generally lower for the more branched forms. Undecan | [15], The US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has set a recommended exposure limit (REL) for hexane isomers (not n-hexane) of 100 ppm (350 mg/m3 (0.15 gr/cu ft)) over an 8-hour workday. [14] Chronic occupational exposure to elevated levels of n-hexane has been demonstrated to be associated with peripheral neuropathy in auto mechanics in the US, and neurotoxicity in workers in printing presses, and shoe and furniture factories in Asia, Europe, and North America. It is widely used to extract lipids from other food items. The vapor pressure of water calculator found the pressure according to five formulas. The industrial product (usually around 50% by weight of the straight-chain isomer) is the fraction boiling at 65–70 °C (149–158 °F). For example, butyllithiums are typically supplied as a hexane solution. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 20. Folgemaßnahmen eingeleitet. Gas-chromatographische Charakterisierung organischer Verbindungen. die Umwelt neu bewertet und ggf. It is slowly being replaced with other solvents.[20]. They are also used to extract cooking oils (such as canola oil or soy oil) from seeds, for cleansing and degreasing a variety of items, and in textile manufacturing. [20] In view of this behavior, replacement of n-hexane as a solvent has been discussed. Boiling point and/or vapor pressure estimates of various liquids can be derived using the Clausius-Clapeyron Equation. InChI=1S/C6H14/c1-3-5-6-4-2/h3-6H2,1-2H3 [13], The acute toxicity of hexane is rather low. [20] Tendenziell steigt der Wert mit sinkenden Druck bzw. [citation needed], Hexanes are commonly used in chromatography as a non-polar solvent. In preparative chromatography, concentration of a large volume of hexanes can result in a sample that is appreciably contaminated by alkanes. [19] Der maximale Explosionsdruck verringert sich mit sinkenden Ausgangsdruck.[20]. ", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hexane&oldid=988879532#Isomers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, −96 to −94 °C; −141 to −137 °F; 177 to 179 K, 68.5 to 69.1 °C; 155.2 to 156.3 °F; 341.6 to 342.2 K, This page was last edited on 15 November 2020, at 20:14. Decan | Ursächlich für die Aufnahme von Hexan waren die Besorgnisse …
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