benefits magazine media kit
Published by on November 13, 2020
Get tips from HR leaders at top companies to help your working parents not just survive the pandemic, but thrive. As a powerful marketing tool, a media kit provides a starting point for marketing and PR campaigns, establishes credibility, provides opportunities for potential partnerships, and promotes the brand awareness, or growth opportunities. Director, Business Development, Client … It is important that you design your online advertising media kit to be noticed so that the result is publication of your business and actual action. Take steps to provide effective, efficient support, and feel confident about the healthcare advice you give to your employees. As your clients’ employees adapt to working from home, more are reporting issues with physical and mental health that you can help address. The need for your employees to access remote healthcare is growing. There are numerous benefits of local magazine advertising including a dedicated market, a longer shelf life and credibility. Show clients how giving their employees a choice in their healthcare can benefit their bottom line. A prospective advertising medium will request additional information on the business of the potential promoter. Employers of all sizes are looking to contain health plan costs. This marketing media kit serves as a company resume. Download our media kit to view our current media offerings and advertising opportunities. There really are unique options that let clients save money while improving health care access. These media kits are not only for businesses that are high profiled or large. The advertising media kit is also known as a media kit or a press kit. It is basically a packet that holds valuable information about a particular business, service or product. Make sure to read your media kit out loud to catch any errors; proofreading several times is a must. Learn how companies are addressing high MSK spend while giving their members access to at-home digital care for behavioral health and chronic pain. The BenefitsPRO suite of resources offer trusted and powerful platforms with which to deliver your marketing message. Use this cheat sheet for quick responses to questions your clients and their employees might have about HSAs. ** Publisher’s Own data. It Could Be a Multi-Million Dollar Fiduciary Question: Why Did You Pick That Target-Date Fund for Your Plan? Use this tool to explain to clients the realities of deductibles and employee financial strain. There are several companies who will engage in vigorous marketing campaigns to promote their products and/or services but if there should be a request from the media for a well organized press kit there are several of them that do not have a clue what to do. As you grapple with rising healthcare costs and ways to address opioid issues in your workforce, experts have identified flawed pain management as a key contributor. Use this guide to make sure you choose the right words when engaging employees with children, ensuring they feel supported and understood. Get an ERISA attorney’s view on TDF selection to help you avoid risky pitfalls. Why chatbots and algorithms alone are not the answer for your clients and their employees. Build thought leadership and develop prospects with small event formats customized to your marketing priorities. The 15 Most Frequently Asked HSA Questions, Navigating the Benefits Maze: Support for HR during Open Enrollment -- and Year Round, How Limited Benefit Medical Plans Can Provide Affordable Insurance Options for the Post-Pandemic Workforce, Industry Report: Meeting Your Employees' Needs for Health, Wellness & Safety, Industry Report: Help Clients Meet Employees' Needs for Health, Wellness & Safety.
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