ball clay specification
Published by on November 13, 2020
1 0 obj The abrasives industry likewise uses it to bond aggregates until firing fuses the mass. One of our most popular baseball infield mixes, Washington Ball Mix offers low maintenance and repair costs, optimal moisture control, professional-looking red clay, and softer footing for safety. Bodies containing ball clays and bentonites often have particles in the +150 and even +100 mesh sizes. These cone 6 clear-glazed porcelains demonstrate just how white you can make a porcelain if you use white burning kaolins and bentonites instead of ball clays. These forms enable a more consistent supply and alot of flexibility, especially when making casting slips (since ball clays are the most difficult to disperse materials in the bodies). Ceramic tableware utilizes ball clay to provide high plasticity and a good white-fired color, combined with kaolin, feldspar and quartz. The kaolin should theoretically have a much higher porosity? 1 Glaze ball clays work well in glazes. The glaze surface is a little more flawless on the right one (possibly because ball clays have a lower LOI than kaolins). For workability and drying, the bottom one is much better. A broken test bar of ball clay fired to cone 10 reduction. Consider the SHAB test (see link below). This is a ball clay. You may not fully appreciate what your clay body manufacturer has to go through to make clean porcelain for you. Disclaimer | Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion. Or, they need to switch to more expensive bodies containing only kaolins and highly processed plasticizers. Ball clay is processed to minimize the levels of coarse particles. Left: 65% #6Tile kaolin and 35% nepheline syenite. The drying shrinkages, plasticities and fired maturities are also all remarkably similar. Few people fully appreciate how 'sticky' and plastic these materials are until they mix some with water and work with it pure. The top one is EP Kaolin, the bottom one is Old Hickory M23 Ball Clay (these materials are typical of their respective types). endobj As the corners were knocked through handling and storage these cubes became rounded and ‘ball’ shaped. ]mN��/�6z������\i�/�3�����W��s��S �d=�Ft�nCB����hW��߮���Y������s���s`�̲��֫7��jsb�O8�]]�2��v�R�d��v��6j��CQ��a��_��� y� �y"y���ᗧid��˘��TRİ���pw�M%'������!֫�>ՈJO(�������o ;%�v�@������Y�Y�ʴ�i��C��jkױ_�uW5+)u�kXvm�������jz��l� The body on the left needs a 20% silica addition (to stop crazing) and 5% more nepheline (to reduce porosity to porcelain levels). But in practice, most are remarkably similar. Ores in Tennessee are higher in coal than those in Kentucky. This DFAC test disk shows the incredible drying shrinkage that a ball clay can have. A common starting recipe for a high temperature general purpose porcelain (as is used in electrical porcelain or extruded pottery porcelain is 25% each of ball clay, kaolin, feldspar and silica). The 10 mesh designation is a little misleading, those are agglomerates. Clearly, soluble salts are an issue with all of them (the brownish scum). This can partly be explained by the particle packing achieved because of the fine particle size. These materials both feel super-smooth, in fact, the white one feels smoother. BALL CLAY SPECIFICATION The approximate properties of the Ball Clay are given below. The presence of such particles is often sporadic, thus it is possible to produce defect-free ware for a time. Further, the kaolin has a porosity of 0.5% vs. the ball clay's 1.5%. If you use ball clay in your production there is good reason to be doing routine quality control to make sure it is remaining consistent. Right: 65% M23 Old Hickory ball clay and 35% nepheline syenite. It's white but crazes the glaze and has 1% fired porosity (measured in the SHAB test). endobj But at some point problems will be encountered. The term 'ball' traces to historic mining in England where large chunks of the clay were cut from the bank in ball shapes for transport to processing. Ball clay is a fine particled clay that is universally used in glazes for suspension. The bottom one uses Old Hickory #5 and M23, these are very clean ball clays but still nowhere near the whiteness of kaolins. It is common to find lignite associated with ball clay, and this accounts for the almost grey appearance of many varieties (when wet). The color can be alot whiter using a clean kaolin, but there are down sides. However, care is recommended to make sure a fine grade of bentonite is used to avoid fired specks (bentonite also burns darker). But the ultimate particles tell the opposite story. 2 0 obj stream It also is sometimes referred to as plastic clay. Plasticity is very good. Some also have fluid properties that are valuable in the casting of large ceramic pieces such as toilet bowls. In North America, Old Hickory #5 and Old Hickory No. If the iron or lignite content of ball clay is a problem, it is common to employ bentonite to reduce the ball clay requirements (5% bentonite can provide as much improvement in plasticity and dry strength as 25% ball clay). Both are zero porosity. As you can see, this material is a potential cause of specking, especially in porcelain bodies. The same mix is also dry pressed in the tile industry, and extruded for jiggering and wet processing in artware. Of course, the quartz grains in the ball clay are finer, so they will dissolve into the feldspar glass more readily. If soluble salts fire to a glassy surface they can affect the overlying glaze. Ball clay is an extremely rare mineral found in very few places around the world. It is amazing now similar different ball clays are. Gujarat University Ground, Vastrapur Clay Grinder Aand Ball Mill Specifications Tph Crusher. Nevertheless, the dry strength of this material far exceeds that of a kaolin and when used judiciously it can really improve the working properties of a body giving the added benefit of extra dry strength. What is more, both of these values are unexpectedly low. We now have to check every pallet. Ball clay and kaolin test bars side-by-side fired from cone 9-11 oxidation and 10 reduction. The body on the right does not need fixing because ball clay is easier to flux with feldspar and it contains its own natural silica. But with the milled material it has only settled slightly and there is no sediment on the bottom. A typical white high temperature stoneware is often about 25% each of kaolin, ball clay, feldspar and silica. It is much more plastic than kaolin but also has much higher dry shrinkage and higher iron content. Notice it has not burned out despite the fact that the clay itself is still fairly porous, the firing was slow and the temperature reached was high. The one on the right employs Gleason Ball clay, the left one has Old Hickory #5 ball clay. Materials can also be contaminated by larger clay particles that disrupt the fired glaze surface. endobj A typical ball clay powder is light grey (from lignite) or cream color and fires to a buff or cream (with some soluble salt deposits on the fired surface). 2-5%) is typically needed to get good plasticity. However, in practical terms, they are employed to achieve desired plasticity, but are minimized to reduce the detrimental effect on fired whiteness and drying properties. The glaze fits, the body has zero porosity (very dense) and plasticity is fantastic! <> Read More China Clay Ball Clay, China Clay Ball Clay �G��#3�u�;�j{S�n��mQ�#���W"=�|�B7= When we phoned another manufacturer they checked their supply and it was contaminated also! A wide range of ball clay slurries and slips are used in casting at all temperature ranges. Many pottery glazes contain ball clay to help suspend and harden them and control their shrinkage during drying (although some technicians prefer cleaner kaolins for this, claiming they gel the slurry better and prevent drip-drip during drying). This helps to make them sticky (or 'plastic') and easily shaped when damp (the word 'clay' is derived from the Old English 'claeg', meaning sticky). Common refractory materials lack plasticity and ball clay is used to help in forming and shape retention and to impart dry strength. They can sometimes have particulate impurities (especially lignite) and exhibit differences in soluble salts content, drying shrinkage, drying performance, fired maturity, fired color and behavior in slurries.
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